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Happy Buyers Served In Barrie & Surrounding Areas
90+ Years
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Buying & Selling Experience
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With Us When They
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Thinking About Buying
A Condo In Barrie?
A Condo In Barrie?
With our experience, we can educate you on the benefits each condo building has to offer…When buying, we will provide thorough up-to-date advice about trends in the marketplace to give peace of mind that you are purchasing the right condo at the right price.
We have the best possible resources and communication systems available today to help you locate the condos on the market that match your specifications. You can even search listings here at
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We Want You To Make
Sound Decisions by Considering…
Sound Decisions by Considering…
— Living in a Condo has many Pros vs Cons – It’s imperative to work with an experienced real estate team that specializes in selling condos in order to make an educated decision.
— Good location, Good amenities, Good condo fees & Good reserve fund – These 4 key points are crucial to ensure you enjoy condo living, but also have a good product for long-term resale value.
— Less maintenance! One of the biggest benefits is other people do the maintenance for you – No more cutting the grass or shovelling snow!
— Typically it’s best to avoid high condo fees or a condo with a special assessment. Not only can it be expensive, but in some cases difficult to sell in the future.
— Each condo owner will pay a monthly condo fee, which goes towards maintenance, common elements, etc, but each building is different. So it’s important to find out what’s included in the fees. In some cases it’s all utilities, in others it’s just heat & water, and hydro is extra.
Our Proven Buying Process
Buyer Needs Assessment

Get Our Buyer’s Guide:
How to Avoid Costly Mistakes 95% Of Buyers Make
How to Avoid Costly Mistakes 95% Of Buyers Make
Start here, become an informed home buyer or seller today. Discover the step-by-step process from start to finish for buying your dream home. Download ’s Informed Home Buyers Guide now